Massage for your feet

A foot massage before going to bed would help relieve you feet of stress. For this simply warm colorless sesame oil or olive oil and massage into your soles and toes with both your hands. Put on cotton socks and go to sleep.

Apply a foot scrub every day, preferably after a tiring day at work. You can either make a scrub at Beauty Tips or simply buy one that contains essential oils. Massage the ingredients into your feet, and leave on for 5-10 minutes. Wash off with warm water. This method is helpful when it comes to saving time as well as getting the desired effect.
The heat of summer may have reduced you to wearing flip-flops and open-toed shoes most of the time to make the heat bearable. More than likely, the skin and soles of your feet have hardened due to constant exposure. How ironic it is that the one way to make your feet feel comfortable in the summer heat is also a way that will make your feet dirty and unsightly! There are ways of keeping your feet nice, soft and pretty, without having to spend so much on foot spas and salon pedicures. It is only a matter of good grooming, of keeping your feet clean and moisturized on a day-to-day basis.
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