Getting rid of pain in feet
Sometimes girls feet suffer from painful corn. Getting rid from these corns will help you in having most beautiful feet. Soak your feet in warm water and add pinch of salt. Gently rub corn affected area with coarse emery board. Cut a fresh pineapple and put the piece over the area for 5 to 10 minutes. The enzymes present in pineapple will help the skin faster in dissolving the corn.
Add half cup of sugar, one teaspoonful of baking powder and one fourth teaspoonful of poppy seeds combined with ten drops of lemon juice. With the help of vegetable brush, scrub your feet thoroughly and rinse. Follow this twice a week to possess most beautiful feet.
The heat of summer may have reduced you to wearing flip-flops and open-toed shoes most of the time to make the heat bearable. More than likely, the skin and soles of your feet have hardened due to constant exposure. How ironic it is that the one way to make your feet feel comfortable in the summer heat is also a way that will make your feet dirty and unsightly!
There are ways of keeping your feet nice, soft and pretty, without having to spend so much on foot spas and salon pedicures. It is only a matter of good grooming, of keeping your feet clean and moisturized on a day-to-day basis.