Keep your toenails well-groomed

Clipping your toenails regularly will keep your feet looks beautiful, never letting them grow too long, removing the cuticles and painting them. Nothing is more unsightly than toenails that are long, have chipped paint and are dirty-looking. If you cannot give yourself a pedicure, make it a point to visit a nail salon every two weeks or so. If you are one of those women who do not like putting nail polish on, then make it a point to buff your toenails with a nail brush.

Use a moisturizer everyday on your feet, after bath and before going to sleep, carefully massaging into the dry areas, nails and the cuticles. This will keep the feet feeling soft.

If you suffer from feet that ache from pressure, then there are natural remedies for aching feet as well. For this, you need 4-5 drops of essential oil of tea tree, 3-4 drops of essential oil of cypress and 1-2 teaspoons of jojoba oil.

Mix all the ingredients together, pour into a large bowl or bucket of warm water, place your feet in the water and leave on for 5-10 minutes. After this, step into a bucket of cold water in which, a cup of green tea has been mixed.
The heat of summer may have reduced you to wearing flip-flops and open-toed shoes most of the time to make the heat bearable. More than likely, the skin and soles of your feet have hardened due to constant exposure. How ironic it is that the one way to make your feet feel comfortable in the summer heat is also a way that will make your feet dirty and unsightly! There are ways of keeping your feet nice, soft and pretty, without having to spend so much on foot spas and salon pedicures. It is only a matter of good grooming, of keeping your feet clean and moisturized on a day-to-day basis.
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