For people with or without health problems, look for signs that can signal impending problems. Experts say all of these problems can be magnified for smokers.Plummer says, “When someone smokes and looks at their toes and they’re darker and blue-red, you wonder if smoking is giving you vascular disease, and the answer is yes.”Smoking causes circulation problems in healthy people.
So if you smoke, expect your toes and feet to darken. Experts say that’s caused when poor circulation causes the veins to back up like a clogged drain. Otherwise, here are some problems that can be detected by just looking at your feet.
The heat of summer may have reduced you to wearing flip-flops and open-toed shoes most of the time to make the heat bearable. More than likely, the skin and soles of your feet have hardened due to constant exposure. How ironic it is that the one way to make your feet feel comfortable in the summer heat is also a way that will make your feet dirty and unsightly!
There are ways of keeping your feet nice, soft and pretty, without having to spend so much on foot spas and salon pedicures. It is only a matter of good grooming, of keeping your feet clean and moisturized on a day-to-day basis.